Your Death Coach
Welcome to the most radically
different approach to End of Life.
Any thought that you have had about yourself, however deflated or grandiose, is not who you are. It is simply a thought. The truth of who you are cannot be thought, because it is the source of ALL thoughts.
I will personally guide you in arriving to 2 very important places: losing the fear of death and in a way “dying before you die” before the death of the body takes place so when this moment arrives you can embrace this experience as the Truth of Which You really Are and not what you think you have been all along. This process is not for the faint of heart. This will be tailor made for you. You only need to have the willingness to listen with your heart and stay open.

Who you think you are needs to die so the Truth of What you really are can be Self-Realized

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”
Albert Einstein.
Have you ever had a dream that seems to be so real that for a moment you lose track that it’s a dream and you are in it knowing that at some point you will wake up? So it’s the dream of this ephemeral life. We get so attached to the illusion of the self that this is what we think we are when this is not the case. We think we are the last name that we have; the importance of what we do for a living, the car we drive; the home we live in or how many zeros we have on our savings account. We are none of these things. Those are just temporary fantastic labels.
“In the World but not of it”
John 17:16
Through a very organic and at the same time profoundly intense process of inquiry and personal introspection you will come to the absolute realization that you are not of this World. We are so much more than that. We are sparks of the divine and capable to transcend the fears, the suffering and the uncertainty that the process of dying can inevitably bring.
You will be able to realize that what you really are was never born and does not die. You can get to feel the relief of laying down the burden of defining who you think you have been all along. Experience the actual non-reality of the burden. It’s actually our birthright to experience the joy and the peace that is here now regardless of what you are going through at this moment.
“You are not a drop in the Ocean. You are the entire Ocean in a drop”
What could happen if you can wake up to this Truth while you have the chance? This is what it’s called: “dying before you die” and that is to die to the false idea of who you thought you were. This process takes form in a colossally potent way when you are given months, weeks or days to live because you can be very open to this intense process when out of the sudden all peripheral issues drop out and we tend to pay attention only to what really matters. This place of absolute liberation and freedom can also be realized if you have a clean bill of health but you have heard the calling in your heart that tells you that you are way much more than this. If you have heard this calling; I will honor your commitment to the Truth.
What we really are was never born and it will never die. It has always BEEN. Allow me to guide you to know, BE and experience your true nature.
In order to meet you in your setting; I will travel to wherever you are in the World and will be able to get to most places in about 48 hours.
Each One-week commitment (from sundown of the first day to sundown of the 7th day):
United States and the rest of the Americas
$25,000 US
$35,000 US
Anywhere else in the rest of the World
$45,000 US
If you are interested in waking up to the Truth of Which you are before you die and in the best way be ready to welcome the most transcendent moment in your life with open arms, please fill out the following contact form and we will contact you within 24 hours:
Serious and appropriate inquiries only.